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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Quick Trip to Disney--I mean, Sephora.

Every once in a while, I kid myself and say, "Hmm, I have everything I need already, but let me stop into Sephora and browse, and leave without buying anything." Not sure how much longer I will continue to lie to myself like this, but as for now, I am 100% committed to Team Denial. #sorrynotsorry

I looked around for a bit, and came out with the following goodies:

I am testing these items out currently, but wanted to hop on here and share my initial thoughts!

I had heard a lot about the Beautyblender solid cleanser and was intrigued because I, like most Beautybender users, love the product, but am constantly looking for the best way to clean the thing. I feel like I can clean product out of the sponge, but can't stand the makeup stains left behind. After watching a few YouTube videos of the solid cleanser in action, I was convinced. I would have taken some more in-depth photos and shown the product in action but....BUT, this guy went back to Sephora almost as soon as he came home. Guys. Seriously. MAJOR SENSITIVE SKIN ALERT: Using the cleanser broke my skin out so, so badly! I was shocked. I don't think I came across this observation in any of the reviews I read, but a little bit of quick research revealed that the most prevalent ingredient in this cleanser is Sodium Palmate. According to, "As a soap ingredient, it can be drying and is typically formulated at an alkaline pH, which disrupts skin’s barrier function and can increase harmful bacteria on skin."

Well...that explains it! I never would have expected the bad reaction my skin had, and this is definitely not to say it's a common occurrence for all users, but I wanted to mention it here in case anyone with sensitive skin is considering trying it out -- I'd highly, highly suggest proceeding with caution! 

The whole situation is a little disappointing because honestly, other than my own personal reaction, overall, the product has a lot of strong points. First off, the process is really easy. The container houses a small, solid soap. The instructions say to rub your Beautyblender over the soap under water, and massage out the stains/leftover makeup. Doing this instantly pulls out every trace of makeup left in the sponge. Once the Beautyblender is clean, you wring out all remaining water, and let the sponge dry before use.

This brings me to the next gold star for this product -- using the solid cleanser got my Beautyblender looking brand-spankin'-new! I knew it worked well, but I was genuinely surprised at just how well it worked. 

As for the other two items, I am happy to report the results weren't nearly as dramatic. I am pleased with both items (Cover FX Clear Cover SPF and Urban Decay's new Vice lipstick in Uptight), and will be posting reviews soon!

Until then, here's a quick preview of the peachy-nude goodness that is Urban Decay's Uptight:

More to come! :-) 

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